
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Latest Summer Updates

Natalya, our little imp. At 18 mos. she is very into keeping up with her older siblings. She climbs like nobody's business-- can even make it from the floor to a kitchen barstool and on up to the kitchen counter, where she stands straigh up if you don't stop her on time. She likes spurting forth the word "shoe" because she usually gets a good laugh from her father and brother. She loves shoes-- especially her squeaky hot pink ones, just call her pip squeak! To my delight (most of the time) she still gets a lot of enjoyment from nursing. She's growing fast, but not too fast. She recently started hugging me tight around the neck. I love this too.

Alexander delights with his verbal abilities. "Can you tell me more about pimentos, papa?" He hates losing things but often carries around little toys in his hands and easily misplaces parts to, say, Sponge Bob. He makes up really cute songs, like his crawfish song--- la la la la la if you touch him he will pinch you (or something like this). He also tells stories: Once upon a time there was a boy named Alexander who saw a monster and climbed up a tree. He is still frustrating me with his lack of interest in potty training. He goes when taken/ reminded, but about half the time I take him too late--Pull Up is already wet, or worse. And he doesn't really care. Once in a while he'll just go on his own. I sense this is when he is most proud. Probably I should leave him alone and in a month or two or four, he'll take ownership of the task. Would that be lazy though on my part? Should I really just drop the issue? So ... I just try to take him 3-5 times a day and hope that one day he takes responsibility. Ricky wants to come down hard and start taking away privileges and toys, one by one, until he stops going in his diaper. Could work--- but since he has his diaper, or a version there of, he doesn't really mind going there, despite positive and negative reinforcements from the environment. Jelly beans just don't have that much appeal for him. He's a tough nut to crack, so should I just drop it? Still my question.

Milena is a great play leader and sometimes seems so mature, and yet she still wants her baby cuddle time and still melts down (probably from lack of food and sleep) from time to time. Crawling hands and knees on the floor of a fast food restaurant in order to race a new card board car does not phase her! Gotta love her free, interpretive dance moves.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer Fun

Everyone's growing up -- somewhat. Natalya continues to try to talk-- babbling in long strings. Sometimes sentences are intelligible. She loves shoes and shoe shopping. She'll say I want shoe. She also says I wanna ride or I wanna go. Not bad for 18 months. Gotta love her sheepish grins. She loves to be one of the gang, even if she's still a bit small. Can't quite jump off the couch onto pillows in the middle of the family room, but she'll try, all the while squealing "I wanna fly!" She just got new squeaker shoes, just call her Pip Squeak I say.

Alexander -- I love his kisses and his stories (there once was a boy names Alexander who saw a monster...). I am endlessly frustrated by his lack of motivation for potty training.