
Thursday, August 26, 2010

6 weeks

Anya is growing up so fast. In the last 10 days she started smiling more, not just in her sleep. She also started holding on to me more-- her hands are more open and able to grasp my shirt when she nurses. She's filling out and holding her head better, though it's still a little floppy.

Alexander found a penny in his bed the other morning. He came running to show us what the tooth fairy left him. It's so funny-- of all the possibilities the tooth fairy is his first and best guess as to the source of this penny, and he hadn't even lost a tooth!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

4 weeks old today

August 7, 2010

Anya is almost 1 month old and is often the center of my attention. She does share nursing with Natalya. Anya doesn't mind. She doesn't know any different. Not sure how big she is or how much she weighs, but she's has filled out a bit. Her arms, legs, and cheeks are a bit squishy.

After about a week I noticed Anya had suddenly sprouted eyelashes-- likely the beginning of those extra long ones her siblings have.

By 3 weeks her head/ neck muscles had become much stronger. She basically can hold her head now, though it can still flop a little if she has to do it for too long.

She tracks objects and in the last couple days we've noticed more 'smiles.' They're fleeting but there, if I tickle her nose or if papa coos at her. Sometimes, she just seems happy to see us.

She doesn't cry much but has a very robust cry when she's ready for some attention and can't see/ feel her mom or dad. Usually, she wants food, but I don't think she likes a wet diaper either. Those Kissaluvs needs changing every hour in order to not be damp or even down right wet.

She 'talks' with sweet sighs and grunts. In bed at night I hear her grunting and wonder if she's just awake and vocalizing or if those grunts mean she wants to burp or poo. I think both, but the latter is definitely the case much of the time at those moments.

I think Anya is very smart. Even being so small she tries to move toward me when we're sleeping together and she's ready for her next meal.