
Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Year Updates

January 18, 2009

Nati (12 mos.) is on the move-- crawling, well, actually, 'scooting,' using her left propeller leg. Lately, she's been looking like a meerkat as she tries to get up to standing on one knee. Her body and hands come up, but she never gets to full standing from this position. She just starting trying out downward dog 2 days ago at Dahn's Garden. Today she stood a couple of times from this position-- very briefly but long enough to flash an enormous smile of pride. We could see her 4 tooth grin! Walking's not too far off now.

Alexander (32 mos.) has used the potty to pee-- at least twice this week! Something's working, though he's still not super eager. Still, we all know he's capable. He knows he did it. As of last week (Jan. 10?) he's decided to move to the trundle bed and no longer sleeps in his crib. He may be out of it for good. I asked tonight if he'd prefer to sleep in his crib. He gave me a confident no. Watch out-- bears are chasing him, and sometimes he needs mom to protect him. Today, when he saw dust particles, he needed me to protect him from 'bees,' so they didn't get his honey. I asked where his honey was; he responded-- in his belly, he ate it all up.

Mil (43 mos.) is now starting to read. She's definitely trying to be literate in the sense that she's very into decoding and deciphering signs. I love to tell the story of when she recently lead a smoking restaurant patron, a complete stranger, mind you, over to a nearby window to point out the no smoking symbol and tell him smoking was not allowed in that establishment. She has also started opening up books and 'pretending' to read them. Tonight with Papa she was actually reading words like look, jump, walk, etc. It took Ricky by surprise!

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