
Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 8, 2010

Still waiting for baby. If she follows the pattern of my others one of the next 5 days should be IT. In other words, we should just about make it to 39 weeks but not go more than a day past. Of course, she may have her own ideas and surprise me a few days or even a week later, say July 18. Wouldn't that be something?

Took the kids to Chic Fil A for lunch and play today. Their idea, but I guess it's OK to indulge once in a while. The smiles were enormous. They love climbing! It beats 2-3 hours in front of the TV, even if it is 'educational' children's programming.

Had some Alexander observations that I forgot to include in my last post. 1) Remember that time about a month ago where he actually stuck a raisin way up his nose. That's what he reported anyway. We couldn't see or grab the raisin though. Was this going to be a serious problem? I hoped not, but who knew? Well, the raisin came out 2 or maybe 3 whole days later when he sneezed. Incredible relief. We had a long talk about never sticking any object up ones nose.

He was cute the other day when he remarked that the clouds looked like mashed potatoes.

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