
Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 26, 2011

Time is flying by . . .

Natalya-- still potty trained. Love that. Hate that she whines for mommy milkie so much. I love to comply, but not as much as she wants it. Tell her NO, and she breaks into a crying fit. No to milk, or no -- you're doing something wrong, even though she knows she's doing something wrong! She can also be very explosive and rough-- with her toys and her real baby Anya, even though she loves Anya. What a nut! Is that the tom boy in her? She loves having conversations with herself. She seems to be, from what I can discern, extremely aware of her grandmother's death. It get incorporated into her play.

Milena-- wishes Alexander would leave this family, except when she's loving on him or enjoying Nick Jr games on the computer with him, etc. She did exceptionally well at her 3rd piano recital yesterday. Even Papa was very proud and full of praise-- Yeah!

Alexander-- is loving the computer-- Nick Jr's website has caught his attention. Last month he was all about Wild Kratts. Kept asking for a power suit. He also wanted a shrink machine. These things just don't come at Walmart. He learned how to swim this week ... for real. Now I wish he would learn to control his hitting impulse.

I'm still working on the girls. Hope Milena swims soon!

Today Ricky made a slip and slide in the front yard. All joined in, even baby Ana.

Baby Ana is approaching a year. Twice in the last couple days I caught her catch her balance and stand unsupported for a couple seconds. She's usually super smiley-- what a sweet baby.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

June 16, 2011

Hopefully, dad will like his new home. An apartment is a memory care unit at an Assisted Living called Emeritus. It's in G'ville, right down the street from Michael. Lots better than the nursing home where he has been this last month. I'll miss being able to visit, but moving him to Shreveport when he really is out of it and often agitated seemed like a lot. It's not like he would really relish the grandkids. I'm sure they'd cheer him up once in a while, but other times they'd probably overwhelm him . . . and it's not as if he really knows who they are these days.

Anya is now 11 months. Went for a check up on 5/24. She was 17lbs 5oz, 28 1/4 inches, and her head was 17 3/4. She is definitely saying mama now-- and means me. "Mamamama" when she wants milk. She will point to her boca and blubber. She pulls up and walks holding onto furniture since 6/1. We're now waiting for walking. She started getting her 2 upper teeth around 5/27 and now they are clearly descending. I love it when she laughs and gets excited: He He, He He. And she likes to box my face with both hands. Boy can she cry loud when she wants attention.

Milena opened some Ariel underwear on her birthday on 6/10, and Natalya immediately took an interest. At the dinner table she announced that she was taking off her diaper and would now put on underwear. She wasn't kidding. She changed and immediately took charge of her potty training. Basically, she's now trained. After 3 years and 5 months, it was about time! She likes her T shirt-- I love mama's milk. She's very cute when she talks lately-- uses her instead of she as a subject pronoun. "Her is sleeping." I won't correct her too much; I know this phase too will pass all too quickly.

Milena and Alexander are taken up with Kung Foo Panda. I like when they call Anya "Little Master" in their pseudo Asian accents.

When I told Alexander I needed more money to buy him something and asked him where he thought money came from he just said--- go get your other purse!