
Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 7, 2011

Anya is WALKING, even though Milena wishes it weren't so. She cannot meet a milestone earlier than her big sis after all.  But really, as of July 25 Anya took her first step (or two).  By this past week, just shy of 13 months, August 3rd, she was taking 4-5 steps at various times throughout the day.  Any time now I expect her to "take off." As of now she's good at taking several steps before reverting to crawling, which she still does a lot of. 

Alexander has been watching lots of TV when not perfecting his swimming or enjoying kid fun days at Camp Chai.  His favorite is Phineas and Ferb.  He couldn't wait to watch the 'movie' this week, P and F Across the 2nd Dimension.  He did (3 times) but cried-- real tears-- at the end when the Platupus character, Agent P, left Earth and went back to space.

Milena-- oh the drama these days.  "Send Alexander away."  "You forgot to get my pajamas and underwear out, you just don't love me."  Life is tough, isn't it?  For her or for me is the question?  She loved  being Queen Furaday in Rapunzel at art camp and convinced the teacher of her Mad Science camp (with my help) to have their last day be a "pajama" day. Milena is 'swimming' better WITH GOGGLES that I have to keep replacing.  We're on our 4th pair I believe.

Natalya is happily potty trained and still happily? not weaned.  She likes wearing hair beads on her ankles and telling me to do stuff "right now."  She enjoys singinig Fiddler on the Roof songs in her new car seat as we travel.  "Put music on," she shouts.

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