
Thursday, November 24, 2011

November 24, 2011 Thanksgiving

Lots to be thankful for.  As a mother, I am, of course most thankful for 4 healthy, growing children and their loving, supportive "papa".  Life is more hectic, loud and sometimes stressful with them but never dull or lonely.

Anya is now 16 months.  Not talking like crazy yet, but she is making progress and seems to understand quite a bit.  Ask her to go throw something in the trash can, and she'll walk right over and do it.  No hesitation.  She says dog, cat, hi, and mama and papa, of course.  I think she asks "what's that?" but it's not 100% clear.  Loves books and buttons.  Already knows how to navigate a Smartphone screen.  I love the image I got in my head of her last weekend, though she wouldn't let me "snap" the shot.  She's got a full head of blonde curls these days. She was wearing her birthday girl T and pink knit pants with a ruffle on the bootie.  Over her pants she wore a frilly pink polka dot skirt covered with a layer of tulle. Very feminine, very sweet, very much like her big sis Natalya, who's all about twirly, tulle covered skirts lately.  She is so funny -- will often wear an outfit she likes for several days in a row.

Natalya is almost 4.  She knows her birthday is January 5th, and she is ready.  She's moved onto C-1/ Ms. Sandy's class and loves it.  She has several friends in class, Raine, Jessie, Caya, and Lilyanne.  She's big on writing numbers and letters.  Talks a mile a minute, and is "boisterous" once she's comfortable and gives up her reserved nature. She sings (I'm a little acorn brown), is an adorable pilgrim, and loves minastics (yeah, cartwheels).  Still sleeps with mom and dad and loves mama milk.  She's getting big for this, but I know it will pass all too soon, and I'll miss it, so I don't wean her.  I know it will come one day.

Alexander loves drawing and singing.  His best friend these days in Dominic.  They play Wild Kratts.  He's making progress with reading and sailing through kindergarten.  His temper can be explosive, and I don't like how he uses the word stupid, especially with me and his sisters, but he also tells me he loves me and can be most affectionate.  I think he knows right and wrong.

Milena is working on Jingle Bells on the piano.  She wrote about herself at school.  Said she was 4 feet tall, played piano, and had a "mixed up" family.  She's friendly with everyone at school. Her teachers like her.  Lately the friend she mentions most is Shepherd Harvill.  I enjoyed my date to A Little Princess with her and Nati last weekend.  They were so attentive!

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