
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Post Halloween; Get Ready for the Holidays!

Natalya is 22 months, and these days can't wait to catch up with her brother and sister. She really loves screaming with glee whenever Alexander is doing it or whenever she wants to get him started. Her vocabulary is gradually increasing right along with her hair length, but she still says a lot of things focused around "I want." I'll always treasure her "I want milk" or "I want milk now" requests. Lately, she is now indicating which side she wants, left or right, with a pat--- or a hit-- and "I want this milk." I guess she notices when one side empties and knows how to remedy it. She loved being Tigger for Halloween and could request her costume by name. She soon learned how to say "I want candy!" She is still small but already has her favorite shoes, socks, books, etc. This week it's Brown Bear, Brown Bear, for instance. She loves running to papa for hugs and kisses. She also copies everything, and it's so cute to hear her singing (or meowing) in the back seat with "Nina."

Alexander is mostly potty trained! He now asks-- remember when I used to be scared of the potty? Is that what it was!! He's tough for me to discipline when he decides he doesn't want to listen, pick up, stay in the naughty chair, etc. Once in a while he asks if his gums are healthy? I told him the dentist said no, not now, we have to brush better. He's really excited about The Bee Game he saw in a catalog. Hope he gets it for Chanukkah. For Halloween he wasn't Casper, he was Alexander the ghost!

Milena is all about being first these days . . . first to walk out the door, first to walk on the curb, first to get buckled, first to have mommy dress her for bed. She makes me promise she can always be first. Oh, boy! I just can't always. Guess she wants to be my #1 and wishes she were my only -- except when she's having the time of her life playing with her siblings, of course. What can you do, but I wish she weren't so emotional. Is this a Gemini trait? Being that she's 5, she loves taunting other with her poopoo phrases-- "Alexander is a poopoo head." He flips out sometimes, and then we have a battle. Hate the rivalry, but that's family life, right? Milena loves writing/ spelling and is starting to read. Can't wait to hear about it from her teacher. For Halloween Milena was a most beautiful witch.

This last week I discovered something that is just my secret for now. Part of me is in shock, part of me is perfectly happy, it's my heart's wish come true, and part of me is utterly panicked. No AF, so I must have ovulated several days later than I thought and, wouldn't you know, there's a #4 taking shape inside me as I write. My prayer at this point is that all turns out for the very best, whatever that is. Certainly hope little bit is perfectly safe and healthy and stays that way, but it's too soon to know. Not sure when I'll tell anyone yet. Should I tell Ricky? Hope he doesn't freak out too badly. This was definitely NOT planned, not by my brain anyway.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Time for school ... again

Summer has flown by. Today is my last 'weekday' with Natalya before she goes off to day care at La Petite. We've spent the day playing and driving Milena to a playdate with Evelyn. 30 minutes is a long way out to her subdivision. Naps in the car were not long enough though.

New words from Natalya? Poo poo and the question "Where papa go?" "I want chu" "I want mok" "I want cup" and, yes, "I wanna fly."

Alexander didn't want me to leave his room last night because he was afraid of monsters. Candy didn't really get him going on the potty, but he seems to like putting stickers on a chart quite a bit. We're moving in the right direction, even though my consistency could be improved. I discovered recently too that Alexander does like when I, the potty, talk to him and ask him for a drink of his really delicious lemonade. His resistance diminshes quickly as he peers into the pot and says "Alright, I will give you some tee tee lemonade." Go figure. Hopefully, his new teachers can really help him master the task. He's wearing real underwear now, though, despite mishaps. We're not turning back.

Milena is ready for kindergarten. Not altogether sure what she'll be wearing. She does not like anything sticking in her underwear these days. No pants? She's still sensitive and cried a lot 2 nights ago because she missed papa when he went to Mississippi. She enjoyed sleeping in bed with me, Nati, and Alexander, though.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Latest Summer Updates

Natalya, our little imp. At 18 mos. she is very into keeping up with her older siblings. She climbs like nobody's business-- can even make it from the floor to a kitchen barstool and on up to the kitchen counter, where she stands straigh up if you don't stop her on time. She likes spurting forth the word "shoe" because she usually gets a good laugh from her father and brother. She loves shoes-- especially her squeaky hot pink ones, just call her pip squeak! To my delight (most of the time) she still gets a lot of enjoyment from nursing. She's growing fast, but not too fast. She recently started hugging me tight around the neck. I love this too.

Alexander delights with his verbal abilities. "Can you tell me more about pimentos, papa?" He hates losing things but often carries around little toys in his hands and easily misplaces parts to, say, Sponge Bob. He makes up really cute songs, like his crawfish song--- la la la la la if you touch him he will pinch you (or something like this). He also tells stories: Once upon a time there was a boy named Alexander who saw a monster and climbed up a tree. He is still frustrating me with his lack of interest in potty training. He goes when taken/ reminded, but about half the time I take him too late--Pull Up is already wet, or worse. And he doesn't really care. Once in a while he'll just go on his own. I sense this is when he is most proud. Probably I should leave him alone and in a month or two or four, he'll take ownership of the task. Would that be lazy though on my part? Should I really just drop the issue? So ... I just try to take him 3-5 times a day and hope that one day he takes responsibility. Ricky wants to come down hard and start taking away privileges and toys, one by one, until he stops going in his diaper. Could work--- but since he has his diaper, or a version there of, he doesn't really mind going there, despite positive and negative reinforcements from the environment. Jelly beans just don't have that much appeal for him. He's a tough nut to crack, so should I just drop it? Still my question.

Milena is a great play leader and sometimes seems so mature, and yet she still wants her baby cuddle time and still melts down (probably from lack of food and sleep) from time to time. Crawling hands and knees on the floor of a fast food restaurant in order to race a new card board car does not phase her! Gotta love her free, interpretive dance moves.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer Fun

Everyone's growing up -- somewhat. Natalya continues to try to talk-- babbling in long strings. Sometimes sentences are intelligible. She loves shoes and shoe shopping. She'll say I want shoe. She also says I wanna ride or I wanna go. Not bad for 18 months. Gotta love her sheepish grins. She loves to be one of the gang, even if she's still a bit small. Can't quite jump off the couch onto pillows in the middle of the family room, but she'll try, all the while squealing "I wanna fly!" She just got new squeaker shoes, just call her Pip Squeak I say.

Alexander -- I love his kisses and his stories (there once was a boy names Alexander who saw a monster...). I am endlessly frustrated by his lack of motivation for potty training.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Summer Fun

Natalya is 17 months today. She is soooooooooo cute these days but, alas, growing big too fast. Now that she has walking down, her most exciting achievement is her talking. She doesn't have that many words yet, but she is saying a handful of words and starting to form sentences. Her repertoire is gradually increasing, to say the least, and within a month or two I expect her verbal explosion. Her single word utterances now include: cata (cat/ gata), mama, papa, uh uh, uh oh, mine, ball, baby, flower, car, shoe, book, outside, food, and "Bob" (for Spongebob)-- she's got many of her daily needs and interest covered. She now has some sentences to go along with these. "I want" is a big one, as in I want baby, I want food, I want outside, I want mama and I want that. She also asks basic questions: What's that? Where's mama? We're all quite impressed. The other day changing her diaper she touched by PJ top and said "flower." It had flowers on it. She loves looking at books; she reads Besos Cucu to herself even. Ricky and Alexander have her play a game where she points her tiny finger and coyly blurts out the word 'shoe' and laughs. Nati is an adorable mimic at this stage. Hope she doesn't fall off the bed while imitating big brother who decides it's fun to jump on it.

Alexander is all about Sponge Bob and his TV shows. If he doesn't like something in the way of food he'll say "Yuck, this tastes like Plankton." He knows all the characters. He'll be thrilled to meet Sponge Bob at the Nickelodeon resort in Orlando later this month. He's our little Linus, loves his thumb, pillow, and blankie. I love it when he says "Mommy, you're my best buddy." He's his dad's best buddy too, but he also challenges Ricky by not listening and ignoring orders. His insubordination leads to dad laying into him pretty hard-- doesn't seem to affect him much, but I wonder if I should be concerned. Our issue this summer is still potty training. Alexander knows what to do, where to go, and will occasionally just go by himself. My instincts tell me to just back off and let him decide when to potty train. Is this to lax an approach though? Also, what about preschool in the fall? If he's in a 3-6 yo classroom, he needs to be responsible for his own toileting. In other words, I could wait another several months for the sake of it being Alexander's own accomplishment, but will school wait?

Milena is 5 next week-- she's sharp and inquisitive as ever. We're working on her inner monster. Can she control it? She leads her siblings in all kinds of games and stories, including playdough bakery and school. This morning she thought she could teach Alexander to swim in the kiddie pool in the back yard. "Now first you do this, and then ..."

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bad Mommy

Nati started really walking on March 2. Alexander started being able to open the front door (if not bolted) shortly thereafter. On Sunday I was upstairs looking for a missing giftcard. My 1 and 2 year olds were downstairs watching TV. After several minutes I had a feeling that I better check on them. They are too young to be left alone, but the TV is usually a very good babysitter, right? Usually! Sure enough I raced downstairs to find --- no one in the family room and a blanket dropped in front of the door. Uh, oh. Now I had to search for something else--- something far more important than a Penney's gift card.

I searched our yard-- front and back. No kids! I ran to the neighbor's, but all looked quiet in their living room, so I didn't even bother knocking, figuring they'd have probably knocked on my door had my babies just showed up at their doorstep. From here I started to get more nervous and took off down the street heading toward Beau's house. Alexander liked Beau's swingset, after all. As far as I could see and hear, though, the street was completely silent-- no sign of AWOL toddlers anywhere. Then, a couple houses down, I spot her: Nati, my petite 14 monther, is happily sitting on a neighbor's lawn, just entertaining herself. No brother, just her, sitting there, completely unprotected, left to her own devices, yet completely content. She smiled sheepinshly at mommy; mommy snatched her up and hugged her tight, wrapping her in brother's blankie. Now, where was brother? I rang the doorbell to Beau's house. He wasn't inside. His mom and dad. very sympathetic to my escalating panic, came out to search their yard thoroughly. Sure enough, Alexander was in the back yard, enjoying the swing set. Whew!!! The Lord smiled on me, and I am very thankful. Fortunately, too, though my heart had started to race, I didn't have to suffer too long for my lack of parental prudence. From now on, I will try very hard to lock the front (and back) doors when I escape upstairs for a little me time. Maybe I should forgo all me time, but that's not a resolution I'm likely to keep.

This whole incident really scares me. I mean my toddlers could have been in big trouble had trouble presented itself. I told Alexander that he MUST tell me before he goes outside because monsters and bad guys could just take him off the street if mommy wasn't there to watch and protect. Hopefully, this created an impression, but I'm not sure. Beside the panic, though, I want to remember this incident for one image that really makes me laugh too: my two kids in all there small innocence, toddling down the street, just out for a stroll on a warm spring day, not a care in the world, completely oblvious to any lurking danger. I'm sorry I missed it!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

February Updates

February 19, 2009

Will Nati walk? That is the question. I think she took a step-- toward our neighbor when I wasn't looking, of course-- on Monday (16th, for those keeping historical archives). More steps will come any day.

Milena, Milena, Milena---you amaze me each day with your annoying ability to cry, whine, and melt down over the most inane causes. I mean who the bleep cares if papa's car is "blanco" and not "gris" or if I happened to belt Nati in before I got to you? You weren't even near your car seat, so why is it all the sudden so important that we must be serenaded by moans and piercing howls for 10, maybe 15 minutes (and that's not an exaggeration!) What did I do to deserve this??

Alexander-- my grumpy old troll who insists on my answering your riddles before I can get into my own house each day-- you're also capable. Don't take after your sister, that's all I can say. Of late, I like this story about you. The other night I say, "Alexander, what's your favorite dinner ?" (Like I would really drop everything to fix it on the spot, but so what!) To which you reply. . . "Honey." For half a second I wonder ... what? come again? Then I notice the plastic bee in your little hand and realize that my little son is, what else, speaking as if he were a bee! Makes sense now.

Last night at bed after a story about "leaders" and "taking turns being the leader" I ask Milena and Alexander "Who's the leader here?" They both, of course, shout out "I AM." I don't think that either is going to easily relinquish that desire, so battles will arise.

Before bedtime was bath time. I was trying to have a moment, while Alexander and Milena bathed. They started fighting verbally and then physically over a rubber mouse in Alexander's hand. I thought I should intervene, but I just didn't feel like it. Shouldn't they work out their own battles anyway? They did, finally, after Alexander had the satisfaction of taking a delicious bite into Milena's big toe. Ouch.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Year Updates

January 18, 2009

Nati (12 mos.) is on the move-- crawling, well, actually, 'scooting,' using her left propeller leg. Lately, she's been looking like a meerkat as she tries to get up to standing on one knee. Her body and hands come up, but she never gets to full standing from this position. She just starting trying out downward dog 2 days ago at Dahn's Garden. Today she stood a couple of times from this position-- very briefly but long enough to flash an enormous smile of pride. We could see her 4 tooth grin! Walking's not too far off now.

Alexander (32 mos.) has used the potty to pee-- at least twice this week! Something's working, though he's still not super eager. Still, we all know he's capable. He knows he did it. As of last week (Jan. 10?) he's decided to move to the trundle bed and no longer sleeps in his crib. He may be out of it for good. I asked tonight if he'd prefer to sleep in his crib. He gave me a confident no. Watch out-- bears are chasing him, and sometimes he needs mom to protect him. Today, when he saw dust particles, he needed me to protect him from 'bees,' so they didn't get his honey. I asked where his honey was; he responded-- in his belly, he ate it all up.

Mil (43 mos.) is now starting to read. She's definitely trying to be literate in the sense that she's very into decoding and deciphering signs. I love to tell the story of when she recently lead a smoking restaurant patron, a complete stranger, mind you, over to a nearby window to point out the no smoking symbol and tell him smoking was not allowed in that establishment. She has also started opening up books and 'pretending' to read them. Tonight with Papa she was actually reading words like look, jump, walk, etc. It took Ricky by surprise!