
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Post Halloween; Get Ready for the Holidays!

Natalya is 22 months, and these days can't wait to catch up with her brother and sister. She really loves screaming with glee whenever Alexander is doing it or whenever she wants to get him started. Her vocabulary is gradually increasing right along with her hair length, but she still says a lot of things focused around "I want." I'll always treasure her "I want milk" or "I want milk now" requests. Lately, she is now indicating which side she wants, left or right, with a pat--- or a hit-- and "I want this milk." I guess she notices when one side empties and knows how to remedy it. She loved being Tigger for Halloween and could request her costume by name. She soon learned how to say "I want candy!" She is still small but already has her favorite shoes, socks, books, etc. This week it's Brown Bear, Brown Bear, for instance. She loves running to papa for hugs and kisses. She also copies everything, and it's so cute to hear her singing (or meowing) in the back seat with "Nina."

Alexander is mostly potty trained! He now asks-- remember when I used to be scared of the potty? Is that what it was!! He's tough for me to discipline when he decides he doesn't want to listen, pick up, stay in the naughty chair, etc. Once in a while he asks if his gums are healthy? I told him the dentist said no, not now, we have to brush better. He's really excited about The Bee Game he saw in a catalog. Hope he gets it for Chanukkah. For Halloween he wasn't Casper, he was Alexander the ghost!

Milena is all about being first these days . . . first to walk out the door, first to walk on the curb, first to get buckled, first to have mommy dress her for bed. She makes me promise she can always be first. Oh, boy! I just can't always. Guess she wants to be my #1 and wishes she were my only -- except when she's having the time of her life playing with her siblings, of course. What can you do, but I wish she weren't so emotional. Is this a Gemini trait? Being that she's 5, she loves taunting other with her poopoo phrases-- "Alexander is a poopoo head." He flips out sometimes, and then we have a battle. Hate the rivalry, but that's family life, right? Milena loves writing/ spelling and is starting to read. Can't wait to hear about it from her teacher. For Halloween Milena was a most beautiful witch.

This last week I discovered something that is just my secret for now. Part of me is in shock, part of me is perfectly happy, it's my heart's wish come true, and part of me is utterly panicked. No AF, so I must have ovulated several days later than I thought and, wouldn't you know, there's a #4 taking shape inside me as I write. My prayer at this point is that all turns out for the very best, whatever that is. Certainly hope little bit is perfectly safe and healthy and stays that way, but it's too soon to know. Not sure when I'll tell anyone yet. Should I tell Ricky? Hope he doesn't freak out too badly. This was definitely NOT planned, not by my brain anyway.

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