
Sunday, June 13, 2010

June, 2010 Time to Write Again

So many details, so little time to write. Currently, we are expecting a new little sister. Anya should arrive sometime in early July. I'm excited. I enjoy pregnancy, and I know I'll miss it and probably want to experience it all "just one more time." However, I am also feeling big. It's not so easy maneuvering with a hard belly that weighs about 10 lbs or more. I also don't like how all my pants fit oddly and like to settle below the belly! This intereferes with my modesty. As a write, I'm feeling a bout of strong hiccups.

Milena just turned 6. She's lost 3 teeth, recently she lost one on top, so she looks appropriately , well, 6. She had lots of birthday celebrations, including one with friends at Sci Port, one with Grandma Cecile at Cheeburger Cheeburger, and finally one in Dallas at the American Girl Store. We got Katie Anna's hair done and enjoyed a quaint, girly lunch at their bistro, complete with a banana split for dessert. Milena is most fun right now for her quickly developing ability to read. She is reading, or at least trying to read, everything. Many children's books are now a breeze. I am so tickled when she reads the bedtime story to her siblings before bed. Last night she had them entertained with The Hungry Caterpillar. At the appropriate time they would all shout in chorus "but he was still hungry." Milena likes to be the leader around here and has a real obsession with or need to be 1st. You know, first is the best, second is the worst. When not stirring up dissent among the little ones, she can be a good leader and a good mommy. They like to follow her lead in games like "ducky shower" and "hatching ducklings," which always occurs after bath. We hope Milena will pick up more swimming skills this summer. She's still very tentative and scared, but I know she can do it.

Alexander is a mighty ball of energy. His brown eyes melt you, but he can be quite the stubborn pest too. He loves being cuddly and affectionate, but he just can't sit still much, so he jabs and pokes while sitting on you and often practically knocks you down when coming for a big hug. He has friends at school, Chaselyn, Max and Peter. He loves singing and performing, especially when he's in the right mood. He wants to be told he's the best and want to be both of his sisters' best friend. He's pretty smart-- still incredibly articulate and with the memory of an elephant. One weekend recently he got hold of a joke book and 'memorized' several, which he repeated over and over. We had a kind of talk show going. "What is a squirrels favorite ballet?" (Nutcracker) At Milena's Sci Port birthday our guide asked about the number of planets. All the Montessori children knew there were 8, and knew their names. Alexander then added that Pluto was 'a dwarf planet.' He likes presents but cries if the present is not what he had in mind! Oops. He is not very dexterous with eating and writing yet. I need to practice exercising his hand and fingers, I think. We have lots of funny Alexander stories. Just yesterday he told me he wished he didn't have a penis. Odd, I thought. He said without one he wouldn't have to hold it down when he used the bathroom. (He still doesn't stand up to go). Also, it grows when he touches it. Someday, I don't think this will bother him . Time will tell.

Natalya is just about 2 1/2. As far as I can say, she's the icing on the cake. She's cute, and makes my whole clan cuter in her role as the caboose. Just in the last month or so she has started talking and singing a whole bunch. She is very energetic and loves jumping on the "trampleen." She does not like "cochroashes." She loves going to birthday parties and has been saying "My birthday's on Saturday." On Milena's birthday we had to light a candle and sing to Natalya too. She likes to count "1 2 4 6 or 1 2 3 9 10." We're getting there. She can be shy in new situations, but once she warms up she is the loudest one. Loves to scream. She takes care of baby dolls and has a favorite, our little Asian baby. She talks to her dolls. A lot of times her dialogue is something like "You stop that" "You go naughty chair" She does not like to be criticized or sent to the naughty chair herself under any circumstances. Just try-- she will crumble. She has so many adorable facial expressions. She'll melt you with her big, batting eyes. She is very regular in her bathroom habits, and we could often tell what she had been eating at La Petite daycare. One day she told me as I changed her diaper-- "no corn in there." Recently, there had been quite a bit. She likes singing and reading to herself and can keep both herself and us quite entertained. Can't usually understand all the words she's saying in these sort stream of conscience episodes, but they're funny and reflect the outgoing/ boisterous part of her personality. She and Alexander will often show their bellies when they've eaten a lot -- or just eaten period. They're good buds-- but she'll often alert us "Nander did it."

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