
Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 2011: New Year

Anya Boo Boo Kins (her official nick name) is, of course, growing up too fast. She's a pleasant, smiley baby who can often entertain herself. She also enjoys her siblings, especially Alexander's antics. She was up to 14 lbs 12 oz and 25 in at her 6 mo check up with a head circ. of 17 1/4. At a little past 4 mos (11/18) she was 13lbs 1oz and 24 in with a head circ. of 16 1/2 (I think). She's teething a lot on and off, so I'm looking for teeth to appear any day, but we'll see. She can kind of sit up now (as of Jan. 3). She has to put her hands on the floor and will falter after a minute or less, but she does have pretty good balance. She rolled on Dec. 30, but I have not witnessed her actually roll over since, though she'll kind of rock herself side to side. She's been grasping and grabbing now for quite a while. She makes fun sounds and coos to herself-- sweet sighs. She likes to eat paper-- or anything she can lift to her mouth really. I haven't exactly started her on solids with just one or two foods, but if the family is eating and we have something soft that she can digest, she gets a sample . . . whatever it is: apple sauce and sweet potato for sure but also peas, potato, yogurt, peeled grape, banana, and ice cream and frosting and even some other things!

Natalya had her 3rd birthday: a pizza party with her family and neighbors Madeleine and Caitlin. She likes Chucky Cheese and Jumpin Juper, but she was content with her birthday at home. She is full of life and funny observances. She says Anya has 'red' teeth-- her gums, I guess. I love her little mispronunciations: towdel, etc... and also when she says things like I want another one cookie. Her teachers at Montessori taught her to say "No, mam-- while making the time out sign. She's still into nursing and diapers. Might have to do with Anya and her competition with her, but she just likes these things and feels secure with them.

Alexander is good for making up his own jokes these days. He's got the format but not the concept of punch line. He started drawing, and his explanations of his drawings are really hilarious. "This is a picture of me, and these are the lice in my hair." Oh, yeah, we're dealing with lice this month. "These are electric eel, and these are ants staying in the hotel in Dallas."

Milena is going on 16. Kind of chasing boys, but she talks about playing with girls in her class too, like Anna whom she had a play date with recently. She works hard, and is making progress with reading, dance, and piano. Busy schedule for a little girl. She refuses pants, leggings, and tights for school. Leg warmers aren't a big hit either. I'm looking into clothes from "Kosher Casual" for next season. She's good at creating games for her siblings. I wish she wouldn't sweat the little stuff, like not being able to frost a star cookie because we ran out. She doesn't miss much. She understands a lot-- even dad's alzheimer's. Almost forgot--don't know what to think about the wall of boogers she has created. hmmm

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