
Saturday, October 2, 2010

October 2, 2010

Anya is now almost 3 mos. She is cooing a lot, smiling even more, and tries hard to sooth herself when necessary by sticking her thumb-- or a few fingers-- in her mouth to suck. This works when she's hungry for a little while anyway. At her 2 mo. check up with Dr. Ritch on 9/14 she measured 22.5 inches and weighed in at 10lbs 11oz. Head 15". Growing fast-- but not too bad. She is in the 50th%.

It's tight and cramped in my bed, but I still enjoy waking and sleeping with Nati on my right and Anya on my left.

Nati is 32 mo. now, enjoying life at Montessori and her friend Alexander. She says Alexander very clearly now "actually." Actually is one of her expressions these days. She's begun engaging in imaginative play, especially with her brother Alexander at our house.

Alexander thinks Milena's braided hair looks like challah bread. That's my super Jew.

Milena is adjusting quickly to 1st grade. She had her first kiss with Diego at my birthday party, and a week later started a little 'romance' with Adam Webb in her class. Last weekend they had a play date. Ever since, I haven't heard so much about him. I don't know, maybe the play date wasn't all that. They sure were cute going off in his mom's white convertible, Milena dressed up in her shimmery hot pink hat.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

6 weeks

Anya is growing up so fast. In the last 10 days she started smiling more, not just in her sleep. She also started holding on to me more-- her hands are more open and able to grasp my shirt when she nurses. She's filling out and holding her head better, though it's still a little floppy.

Alexander found a penny in his bed the other morning. He came running to show us what the tooth fairy left him. It's so funny-- of all the possibilities the tooth fairy is his first and best guess as to the source of this penny, and he hadn't even lost a tooth!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

4 weeks old today

August 7, 2010

Anya is almost 1 month old and is often the center of my attention. She does share nursing with Natalya. Anya doesn't mind. She doesn't know any different. Not sure how big she is or how much she weighs, but she's has filled out a bit. Her arms, legs, and cheeks are a bit squishy.

After about a week I noticed Anya had suddenly sprouted eyelashes-- likely the beginning of those extra long ones her siblings have.

By 3 weeks her head/ neck muscles had become much stronger. She basically can hold her head now, though it can still flop a little if she has to do it for too long.

She tracks objects and in the last couple days we've noticed more 'smiles.' They're fleeting but there, if I tickle her nose or if papa coos at her. Sometimes, she just seems happy to see us.

She doesn't cry much but has a very robust cry when she's ready for some attention and can't see/ feel her mom or dad. Usually, she wants food, but I don't think she likes a wet diaper either. Those Kissaluvs needs changing every hour in order to not be damp or even down right wet.

She 'talks' with sweet sighs and grunts. In bed at night I hear her grunting and wonder if she's just awake and vocalizing or if those grunts mean she wants to burp or poo. I think both, but the latter is definitely the case much of the time at those moments.

I think Anya is very smart. Even being so small she tries to move toward me when we're sleeping together and she's ready for her next meal.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Anya's Birth Story--The long version

July 9, 2010--a busy Friday. I woke up with what I feared could be a yeast infection. Not positive it was, but I didn't think I had 3-4 days to figure it out. Labor could be any day now. Could I cure it before baby came? How could I cure it-- over the counter or naturally? I did some quick checks on the internet and saw I had some options. I called my doctor's office to confirm my options. The office thought I was calling because I was in labor-- no, not yet, false alarm. Figuring a natural approach couldn't hurt and might relieve the burn, I got in a tub of apple cider vinegar and warm water. This felt good. Then, I took the kids out of the house. Today we were going to catch the 50% off sale at Toy Fair. The kids enjoyed the toys while I shopped clothes and shoes. I got 1 new dress each for Nati and Milena and 1 new outfit for Alexander for school. Probably spent too much, but it was half off at least. We stopped to say hi to Carol Anglin at the ballet school and then headed home for lunch. My package of Kissaluv cloth diapers had arrived, so during lunch I put them through the washer. I also decided that I would be going to the pharmacy for Monistat later-- just in case it was yeast.

While the kids rested and napped I headed to the grocery store with a short list-- paper plates, juice, and a couple other things. Then, I went to Walgreens to pick out my feminine product. It was sunny but thundering, so I rushed a little and immediately tried my 1 day product hoping it would work in just one day! I didn't want an infection to distract me during labor or give my baby thrush!

Resting on the couch in order to give my product a chance to work (antigravity, you know), I thought that contractions were pretty tight and regular. I started timing. 5 minutes apart. Was labor starting? You always wonder. A couple hours later we were having dinner, and the contractions were still coming regularly. Mind you, they were tight but really painless, so this was either a false alarm or just the early labor, warm up contractions. I did tell Ricky and the kids to be ready, though. So far my babies always arrived in the middle of the night, so tonight could be the night. I also started doing laundry after dinner in case I did not get a chance on Saturday or Sunday. By 9 PM or so Ricky decided to call our doctor so that she too could be ready in case tonight was the night. Dr. Shattuck talked to me on the phone for a bit, and I informed her of what was going on. I'm sure she could clearly sense that I was not 'active' by how I was able to speak continuously. I told her that I was still very comfortable. My only concern was that with #3 I went right from nothing to active labor, no preamble. Was it possible that this time I could think I was in very early labor only to find out quickly, as in when my water suddently broke, that I was minutes from delivery. She assured me that I would feel crampy, more painful contractions before I was going to deliver and that the contractions might well change to this type once I settled down and went to sleep. She'd get her scrubs out, just in case.

Could I sleep at this point? Not ready yet, so after showering and putting my 3 babies down to sleep, I went downstairs to chill out and time contractions. Having just nursed Natalya it seemed that my contractions had started to change. By 10:45/ 11:00 PM they seemed close (5-6 mins) and a bit crampy, especially low on my perineum. Ricky finally made up his mind to save the cord blood and sat down at the computer to fill out the final paper work. While watching late night TV I waited for the mild crampiness to get stronger and for contractions to get closer. By timing them, though, I soon realized they were all over the place and, if anything, they were getting farther apart: 7 mins, 10 mins, 8mins, 10 mins, 11 mins.-- this kind of thing. By 1:00 AM I couldn't say that I would be delivering in the next couple hours, and because I was feeling very tired, I decided to turn in for the night. I woke up around 3:30 and felt one mild contraction. The next didn't come until over 20 minutes later. These were definitely not getting me anywhere fast, so by 4AM I was back in bed to sleep some more. No baby tonight. Thankfully, I fell asleep easily. I woke up at 6:30 and really could not detect any noticeable change. Contractions were only mildly crampy and far apart, at least 10 minutes. I felt a little itchy, so I decided to go back to the warm tub with some apple cider vinegar. At least I could relax there and get rid of any itch before starting another busy day. My parents and sister were going to arrive at the airport at 4 PM. With my laundry under control (I think I did a little folding at this point to finish up) and my bath done, I decided to rest in bed for a few minutes. It was just about 7:30, and Natalya awoke and asked for milk. I indulged as usual. We enjoyed our cuddly time, and just before 8AM I decided to get up. I had begun to feel some stronger crampy contractions. Downstairs I timed a few-- they were regular-- 6-7 minutes-- and they were not lightening up. This could be it--unless they stopped as soon as the 'oxytocin' from the nursing wore off. They kept coming, though, and soon I moved to my pilates ball to roll with my contraction waves. In between contractions I felt fine, but during the 60 secs. of the contraction I certainly had to concentrate to stay comfortable. Staying comfortable was difficult with Alexander poking me and trying to pick my head up-- Mommy why are you showing us your head? I was trying to go inside myself and breath through my pain, but he didn't get it. Natalya was a bit kinder, she just got close and let me breathe with my lips on the top of her head. I actually liked this. At some point early on I took breaks from my ball when I could and alerted Grandma Cecile, our neighbor/ babysitter, Robin, and Dr. Shattuck that labor had kicked in and that we would likely be going to the hospital in the next hour or two. Dr. Shattuck decided not to go to the stable to see her horse that morning after all, under the circumstances. Too bad, I guess, but she is an OB, and it was rainy anyway.

Ricky videotaped my labor dance and read to the kids. We were all in the living room together. Contractions were not too close together (as in 2-3 mins. apart), but they were strong-- indicative of active labor, not the piddly stuff of the day before. I also noticed some bloody show when I went to the bathroom, also a sign I was dilating. A little after 9:30 AM I told Ricky we needed to get ready and leave for the hospital. He wondered if we could wait longer, as in until my water broke, but I had my own rather strong opinion, which I voiced. Based on my previous labors of 3-3.5 hours of active labor I could certainly be pushing baby Anya out by 11 or 11:30 AM. She could be a little later, but she might even be a little earlier, so we should be at the hospital by 10/10:15 AM-- so as not to have to make a disorganized mad dash or stress about not making it on time. Ricky complied, and we started packing the car: overnight bag, kid activity bag, music box, cord blood kit, etc... I/ we also managed to alert Robin, grandma, and our doctor that we would be leaving very shortly.

The car ride was only uncomfortable during the peak of my contractions-- I think I had 2. By a little after 10 AM we made it to Highland hospital. Cecile and Robin were right there to meet us, and so was Susan Shattuck. I remember walking into the hospital holding my childrens' hands. We were all excited for this day. It seems the doctor and the nurse (Candy) were surprised that I was walking, calm, and happy. I certainly didn't need their wheelchair, even though I was having another contraction by the time I reached the entrance door. Was this really active labor? I'm not sure what they were thinking, and I soon began to wonder myself if I was far enough along to be here. As I got settled into my room (133), contractions seemed less intense than at home and may have even spaced out a little. I wasn't really timing, though. I didn't know what to think when we entered my "room" and the nurse said that I could be a patient now. I didn't want to be a patient. I refused the hospital gown. I just wanted to labor until baby was ready and then push her out. I wasn't ill or anything. The nurse did take some data and check me in. A few times a CNA came in to get my temp and blood pressure. Once, the nurse decided she needed to monitor. I was a little concerned, untrusting of fetal monitoring. She only monitored for 5 mins. though and baby looked really happy, even through a contraction. Knowing this, relaxed me immensely.

I tried to keep labor going. I didn't want Dr. Shattuck to spend several hours just hanging out if nothing major was going to happen for a while. Contractions felt stronger when I squatted or when I sat on the toilet, especially since this toilet did not have a seat cover I could sit on for counter pressure. In this labor I felt the contraction/ cramp in my lower abdomen but, unlike other times, I really felt them in my lower back, butt, and quads too. Now, I think I did feel these sensations in other labors, but this time these 'pains' equaled the abdominal cramp. The pain was less concentrated/ more spread out, I think. Anyway, I went back and forth between trying to achieve stronger contractions on the toilet and trying to achieve 'more comfortable' contractions. For more comfortable, I liked dancing with Ricky, hanging over the bed, and, most especially, hanging over the birth ball. I tried different soundtracks but mostly enjoyed Bebel Gilberto's samba songs this time. You could say I "samba"ed through my labor.

Back to the birth ball-- that was kind of funny. Ricky told the nurse and doctor that at home I was laboring on my red pilates ball. They immediately sprang into action-- and had something to do. We have one of those balls, said the nurse, and she went to get it. Well, they had one, but it was totally deflated and needed to be pumped up. I listened from the commode as Ricky pumped that ball up in no time and Candy and Susan encouraged him and told him how impressed they were with his abilities to inflate. Once they were done I felt kind of obligated to use that ball; fortunately, I did find a comfy position or two on it.

As time passed (10:30-noonish), I worked through my contractions but never had the perception that I was losing it or that they were just unbearable. In between I was quite cheerful and even conversed with my visitors: doctor, nurses, Milena, Cecile. How close was I? No one knew. Ricky says he stepped out at one point-- I could tell he was probably getting bored. I didn't use/ need him too much, though I didn't mind the company. I basically like to withdraw into myself during contractions and don't require 'coaching' or 'cheering' or even massage perse. Anyway, he kidded the doctor, saying he thought he might go check in at work. She suggested they check me first. No one had ever checked me during my previous 2 labors until the very end, if at all, but I amicably agreed. One check was probably OK. Susan asked me to guess how dilated I was. I thought 6 or 7. Ricky guessed 8. I was actually 9 cm with a bulging bag of waters. Now I knew I was close. That water just had to break, and by the sound of it, that event could be coming up fairly soon. In any case, even though my contractions were not causing me great anguish, they were definitely doing something. They were strong enough! No one was going to leave for work or lunch now, though lunch was sounding good to me.

Minutes passed. I changed into my Binsi birth skirt because things had to be close, right? Ricky, Susan, and I got into a conversation about the Argentine film she was still planning to see that afternoon. I hadn't heard of it-- surprising, but true. Ricky started telling her about my plans to organize a Mexican film festival for the fall at the Robinson. I started to say a few words, but then a strong contraction came, and I was no longer in the mood for conversation.

I escaped to the bathroom commode soon after, and at the end of another strong contraction-- POP, the water broke. I came out of the bathroom at 12:19 PM with warm water dripping down my legs. Pushing contractions would soon start. It was show time. Ricky went to get grandma and the kids, and Dr. Shattuck suited up. I laughed to myself because it looked like she was really expecting to get completely drenched by whatever water and fluids would accompany my precious baby. I think she may have even put on goggles.

As predicted, I had the urge to push with the next contraction. I intentionally got on the bed and lay on my left side. I had chosen this position with Natalya and didn't tear, so I thought it could be a good position for me. A nurse asked if I wanted stirrups. Was she joking? Our doctor pointed out something to the effect that I didn't even really need a bed. I was a professional and knew what I had to do. The next contraction I started bearing down, letting out that primitive grunting sound that always accompanies the birth of my babies. I was a little self conscious of all the eyes on me. I hoped they couldn't see my bottom, but I also definitely did not want them to miss seeing this miracle, so I was OK-- plus I was mostly concentrated on the work ahead of me, so I couldn't be too worried about it. (The video later showed that my skirt kept my bottom well covered; I'm sure the kids saw quite a bit from up close, but I think I kept as much of my modesty as possible). It didn't take long for hair to show. A couple of pushes and I could feel that strong ring of fire burn. I soon pushed the top of baby's head out. I felt its slimy warmth with my hand. Then her little eyes came and her nose; it took another strong push before her chin popped out. I couldn't see much on my side, but I could hear my doctor's voice. I was trying not to push hard, so I wouldn't tear; however, the burn was incredibly strong. This baby didn't come out in just a push or two but instead inched her way out. At a certain point I just wanted her free more than anything, tear or no tear. The doctor said "You're doing great, Maureen." Finally, one or two throaty grunts later, her shoulders came. With that, the rest of her slid out easily. What sweet relief! Ana was soon in my arms once the doctor removed the cord from her neck. It was so awesome. She didn't cry, maybe just made a quiet noise or two, but we could tell she was pink and healthy. She got an Apgar of 10/ 10, a testament to her robust color and alertness

Milena could have cut the cord but instead preferred to watch closely while the doctor did it. Ana's weight was a big surprise--7 lbs 15oz, the nurse said. Even before that the doctor thought she was fuller than my other girls. At almost 8lbs she was bigger than expected. No wonder she took just a bit more than 2-3 pushes to birth. Luckily, I only required 1 stitch. Healing was a breeze. The placenta followed easily. After pains were strong, but only for a couple days. I vaguely recall some efforts to get the cord blood. I was too busy getting cleaned up and enjoying my newest baby girl. Anya was so sweet. She latched well and ate happily throughout our first afternoon together. I enjoyed her kitten soft hair-- as did the rest of the family--and her prominent soft spot just above her forehead. She also came with the tiniest toes, the cutest turned up nose, and the sweetest fresh- from -the -womb -scent.

The kids had quite a morning. Birth was maybe a bit overwhelming, but it was probably worth it. They did all bond with and consider baby Anya their own right away. They know she came from papa and mama, and that she came directly from mama's body, as had they. Alexander told my parents that first day exactly where Anya came from,but he's since moved on. Natalya looked frightened just after the birth but is now fine. She has her own brief version of how Anya came out; the best part is her grunts. Mama said ummmm and baby came out. Over the past couple weeks I have been entertained by almost nightly versions of birth stories performed by my children.

thank you so much for working with ricky and me and for taking my birth plan so seriously my labor with Anya and her birth were exactly what I had imagined and hoped for and couldn't have gone more perfectly. i really appreciate your meeting us at the hospital and waiting there throughout my labor. sorry anya took about an hour longer than expected. of course, i loved my home birth, but Highland turned out to be just fine. I am very glad that I was able to share this baby's birth not only with Ricky but also with her siblings and with you.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 8, 2010

Still waiting for baby. If she follows the pattern of my others one of the next 5 days should be IT. In other words, we should just about make it to 39 weeks but not go more than a day past. Of course, she may have her own ideas and surprise me a few days or even a week later, say July 18. Wouldn't that be something?

Took the kids to Chic Fil A for lunch and play today. Their idea, but I guess it's OK to indulge once in a while. The smiles were enormous. They love climbing! It beats 2-3 hours in front of the TV, even if it is 'educational' children's programming.

Had some Alexander observations that I forgot to include in my last post. 1) Remember that time about a month ago where he actually stuck a raisin way up his nose. That's what he reported anyway. We couldn't see or grab the raisin though. Was this going to be a serious problem? I hoped not, but who knew? Well, the raisin came out 2 or maybe 3 whole days later when he sneezed. Incredible relief. We had a long talk about never sticking any object up ones nose.

He was cute the other day when he remarked that the clouds looked like mashed potatoes.

Friday, July 2, 2010

July 2, 2010-- Waiting for Baby

We're excitedly (or busily) waiting for baby Anya now. It's July, so she could/ should come any day, although the 6th-12th are probably the days with highest probability. Bags are packed, just in case. Not too much left to do---except all the regular household chores.

Cute award this week-- Alexander started using the potty a couple days ago standing up "like his papa." He's very proud. It's funny to watch him. He says he's leaving his underwear on and putting his penis through his "penis hole."

Milena, as of June 27, remains toothless up top.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

June, 26, 2010: Full term baby

We are now full term (37 weeks) with our new baby. Don't know when she'll arrive, but judging by my short tempered-ness it could be soon.

This morning I pressed the wrong button on my camera and deleted all the pics on my memory card. I didn't wipe out our memories from the last couple months, but I did manage to lose some precious pictures. Darn it-- I'm so mad at myself. I hate when these things happen. If only I had saved some pics a couple weeks ago. Would have had most of them.

Anyway, in an effort to preserve some of those "memories" and "images" while they're still fresh, I'll do my best to recall here.

As it turns out, we just got back from a short trip to Galveston Beach/ San Luis resort. Here are some things I want to remember.

1)Milena loved making friends, as usual. I had a good picture of her and a new friend Emma Lou (who curiously had only one leg-- all my kids asked questions but still really wanted to be friends, which was good), along with some of Emma's relatives. They were all in the water at this gorgeous resort pool. Milena was in the middle of them giving instructions on how to play sharks. She also spent some time giving swimming lessons, despite the fact that she still needs them herself. "Don't panic," she says. Funny how she uses my words but really doesn't want me to 'teach' her. I guess I'm too impatient for her to learn. She did swim A LOT on this vacation-- never wanted to get out of the pool, in fact, and spent at least 5 hours in there on our 2nd afternoon. She invented a game called flying. However, she really wanted her water wings on! Well, maybe by the end of the summer she'll take them off. Her other big thing was running on the elevator, pushing everyone aside, and making sure she got to push the buttons to our floor and to anyone else's who would let her. She entertained us on the car trip by singing Michael Jackson ABC 123 and other pop tunes from a Wendy's kids meal CD. She made up her own versions with lots of baby, baby in them. Less fun were here constant queries-- Are we there yet? Where do they learn this question?

2) Alexander didn't get beyond the steps of the pool--even with water wings. He did, however, also really enjoy the pool and the social opportunities it afforded him. He met a girl named Robin and her friend and also talked to another girl who reminded him of Miss Joni from Montessori. He loved it when these teenage girls paid attention to him and smiled at his "brown eyes." "Why are my brown eyes cute, mama?" No phone numbers yet, but that'll come (sooner rather than later if he doesn't develop a shy bone, which could happen, I guess). He loved running after seagulls and jumping in the waves. Once at sunset he did it without papa and had the misfortune of getting stung by a jelly fish. A nearby lifeguard had the remedy-- vinegar. He was back to running and jumping in no time and eager to tell everyone his story.

3) We got some cute pics of the family with Cha Cha the rainforest frog. Alexander managed to lose 2 cha cha toys on the trip. He's very distractable in that way-- and very whiny and sad when he can't just get it back or get another. Actually, he's whiny a lot. I wish he could find another tone of voice to request what he wants. At Rainforest Cafe we also got a pic of Ricky and Alexander posing as monkeys next to the gorilla on a bench one morning. The adventure ride inside the cafe was fun b/c the kids were sports but were pretty scared of all the "real" jungle animals, including gorillas and crocodiles. They held on tight, needless to say. The volcano that erupted at night was a bit of a thrill too! Back at our hotel the kids loved talking to the 'copy bird' who said hello and bye. They spent time shouting-- "Polly want a cracker"-- in unison hoping he would say it back, but he didn't.

4) Natalya loved the pool too-- and she really liked digging in the sand. Too bad we didn't come with all our buckets and shovels. Next year. Natalya, however, generally preferred to be clinging like velcro to mom as I walked through the water. Only at the very end did she start playing a little with mama and papa in the water. She liked being passed from one to the other but really didn't want to 'float' by herself in the water at all. Papa convinced her to go on the slide. They made a big splash-- papa lost his hat temporarily and Nati and Papa went under for a sec. When Nati came up her eyes were the biggest papa had ever seen, and she has big eyes. She didn't choke but complained of a sore arm, sure enough, she had an abrasion. On her 2nd day Nati worked up quite an appetite. At IHop she ate her share of blueberry pancakes. Yum. She also hammed it up for us with a spoon stuck to her nose.

5) I'll definitely miss the pics of me and my almost 9 mo pregnant belly in my bathing suit. Maybe we can recapture the idea in the back yard, though the waterfall and lush tropical foliage in the background can't be duplicated. Boo hoo.

6) I really enjoyed relaxing at the resort. I liked the coconut cooler poolside, the sip of hibiscus mojito at Landry's, and the salt hand rubs. Too bad I spilled some of my coconut cooler-- too clumsy for my own good these days. I loved the idea of the swim up bar-- too bad I had 3 kids with me and wasn't really in any condition to enjoy the alcohol, but it would have been neat to try, though I enjoyed watching young people 'in love' have a good time and even get drunk. I really liked the look of the bar and the illuminated blue pool water at night. The surrey ride along the beach with Ricky and my gang was a great way to see the Galveston beach strip, though I like walking in the sand too!

We had a great time. Ate and rested well-- though we never got to bed much before midnight. The kids finished their "best day ever" (part of a song) when they finally got 30 minutes at the hotel KIDS club playing on a pirate ship and watching Toy Story on TV. The hotel had an old kind of charm and was rather elegant-- in a southern/ Victorian way in the lobby-- and yet very modern and yuppie on the pool deck. The food at Mosquito cafe in town was especially good-- loved the desserts on the ride home. Would have loved a bite of the chocolate volcano with ice cream at Rainforest Cafe, but I was too full the night we went there. Overall, it was an uneventful trip, but in a good way-- no baby arrived during it.

We also lost some precious images from Milena's 6th birthday parties. She had a small party with friends Arwyn, Mackinley, Lila and Max, Sara Oberle, and Evelyn as well as Alexander and Natalya, of course, at Sci Port on June 5. Special memories included her dad arriving in time to take lots of cool pictures of Milena and her friends-- including close ups and some pics of Mackinley with her hair standing up from a static experiment. Oh, well. It was a space theme, so we got to see Milena put on a way too big astronaut suit. Did you know astronauts have to wear diapers under there? She looked like she was about to fall over when they put the helmet on but didn't mind being the center of attention. The kids all had fun making astronaut food, including pudding and asteroid ice cream from dry ice. Alexander and Natalya and all the kids got into the day, smashing their chocolate chips and later screaming to help make the ice cream. Nati raised her hand no matter what the question asked; she was ready to be involved. Milena, standing under a banner with her name on it, dressed in her yellow Ecuadorean sundress, and missing one upper front tooth, assisted our guide while all her chums laughed and cheered for her to make that ice cream. Afterward, we all enjoyed the hands on museum.

I loved the American Girl bistro/ store in Dallas on June 10. My favorite pics included the kids watching Katie get her hair done in a fancy flip at the beauty shop. They all watched so intently when it was FINALLY her turn. Nati had a cute picture standing between 2 blond bitty twins in their doll high chairs at the cafe. Alexander insisted on sharing his lunch/ his lemonade with his loaner doll, bitty twin Chad. Milena took care of Katie and really enjoyed the banana split sundae with cherries and lots of cream that she ordered. Because it was her birthday the waitress put candles on it, and we all sang happy birthday to her. Papa was getting tired by the end of it all and didn't seem happy about all the "chazerah,"but we did manage to have a delightful lunch.

When we finally got home from Dallas that night we ate egg sandwiches and blew out more birthday candles on special cupcakes from the Whole Foods in Dallas. Milena got her share of sweets for sure-- these were chocolate frosted, fudge filled, except for Natalya's. She picked out a mini one with a frosted pink flower on top. Nati also insisted-- not only on singing to Milena but on being sung to herself and blowing out one little candle. I'll miss that pic. She can't wait for her birthday to come. She keeps saying her birthday is Saturday-- in "Jamuary."

Between May 15 and June 20 we also had some minor events whose pictures I wished I'd been able to keep.

1) Milena finished kindergarten in style. I had some cute images of her end of the year play, The House that Jack Built. Milena said her lines as narrator quite well. She seemed to forget at one point but quickly recovered. She still recites the rhyme on occasion. I loved the pic of Diego and Abby as the maiden all forlorn and the man all tattered and torn as they 'wed.'

2)Milena also had a ballet recital in May. She wore a mint green tutu and a pink flower clip in her hair. She looked very beautiful! Her class danced to "It's a beautiful morning." She did well. She's learned how to skip and is more confident with her steps. Still can't tell how great a dancer she'll become, but Grandma Cecile and I loved watching her on stage!

3) We kitten sat for our neighbors. Moe was 7 -8 weeks, and the kids all adored her in the end. Nati and Alexander were skittish at first. Kitty bite me, said Nati. After a while, though, they all took after Milena. I think we're not ready for a kitten yet simply because we'd love her to death, possibly literally. No one wanted to put kitty down. Milena carried her in her dresses, kind of like a mama kangaroo in a pouch, with tiny tabby's head poking through the top. Alexander liked her on his belly while he watched tv and chilled with his thumb. Nati loved carrying her all over. As little as the kitty was it stretched from Nati's neck to her knees. She was very nurturing, just like with her Chinese baby doll and with her new white stuffed kitty her papa bought for her, but sometimes she didn't realized that the kitten didn't like being squeezed or held by the neck-- even when it cried/ mewed she was reluctant to let go. I had to be on guard all the time-- or risk kitty's life!

4) I have some great memories right now of my 3 sitting in a row eating toasted waffle with cream cheese for breakfast. I also had some cute pics of 1) Alexander sitting on the potty talking to Nati and telling her to run and tell Milena she was a poo poo head, or some other insult. Nati was all serious and in the next pic Nati was off to Milena , BIG GRIN ON HER FACE. Couldn't wait to get her riled up.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

June, 2010 Time to Write Again

So many details, so little time to write. Currently, we are expecting a new little sister. Anya should arrive sometime in early July. I'm excited. I enjoy pregnancy, and I know I'll miss it and probably want to experience it all "just one more time." However, I am also feeling big. It's not so easy maneuvering with a hard belly that weighs about 10 lbs or more. I also don't like how all my pants fit oddly and like to settle below the belly! This intereferes with my modesty. As a write, I'm feeling a bout of strong hiccups.

Milena just turned 6. She's lost 3 teeth, recently she lost one on top, so she looks appropriately , well, 6. She had lots of birthday celebrations, including one with friends at Sci Port, one with Grandma Cecile at Cheeburger Cheeburger, and finally one in Dallas at the American Girl Store. We got Katie Anna's hair done and enjoyed a quaint, girly lunch at their bistro, complete with a banana split for dessert. Milena is most fun right now for her quickly developing ability to read. She is reading, or at least trying to read, everything. Many children's books are now a breeze. I am so tickled when she reads the bedtime story to her siblings before bed. Last night she had them entertained with The Hungry Caterpillar. At the appropriate time they would all shout in chorus "but he was still hungry." Milena likes to be the leader around here and has a real obsession with or need to be 1st. You know, first is the best, second is the worst. When not stirring up dissent among the little ones, she can be a good leader and a good mommy. They like to follow her lead in games like "ducky shower" and "hatching ducklings," which always occurs after bath. We hope Milena will pick up more swimming skills this summer. She's still very tentative and scared, but I know she can do it.

Alexander is a mighty ball of energy. His brown eyes melt you, but he can be quite the stubborn pest too. He loves being cuddly and affectionate, but he just can't sit still much, so he jabs and pokes while sitting on you and often practically knocks you down when coming for a big hug. He has friends at school, Chaselyn, Max and Peter. He loves singing and performing, especially when he's in the right mood. He wants to be told he's the best and want to be both of his sisters' best friend. He's pretty smart-- still incredibly articulate and with the memory of an elephant. One weekend recently he got hold of a joke book and 'memorized' several, which he repeated over and over. We had a kind of talk show going. "What is a squirrels favorite ballet?" (Nutcracker) At Milena's Sci Port birthday our guide asked about the number of planets. All the Montessori children knew there were 8, and knew their names. Alexander then added that Pluto was 'a dwarf planet.' He likes presents but cries if the present is not what he had in mind! Oops. He is not very dexterous with eating and writing yet. I need to practice exercising his hand and fingers, I think. We have lots of funny Alexander stories. Just yesterday he told me he wished he didn't have a penis. Odd, I thought. He said without one he wouldn't have to hold it down when he used the bathroom. (He still doesn't stand up to go). Also, it grows when he touches it. Someday, I don't think this will bother him . Time will tell.

Natalya is just about 2 1/2. As far as I can say, she's the icing on the cake. She's cute, and makes my whole clan cuter in her role as the caboose. Just in the last month or so she has started talking and singing a whole bunch. She is very energetic and loves jumping on the "trampleen." She does not like "cochroashes." She loves going to birthday parties and has been saying "My birthday's on Saturday." On Milena's birthday we had to light a candle and sing to Natalya too. She likes to count "1 2 4 6 or 1 2 3 9 10." We're getting there. She can be shy in new situations, but once she warms up she is the loudest one. Loves to scream. She takes care of baby dolls and has a favorite, our little Asian baby. She talks to her dolls. A lot of times her dialogue is something like "You stop that" "You go naughty chair" She does not like to be criticized or sent to the naughty chair herself under any circumstances. Just try-- she will crumble. She has so many adorable facial expressions. She'll melt you with her big, batting eyes. She is very regular in her bathroom habits, and we could often tell what she had been eating at La Petite daycare. One day she told me as I changed her diaper-- "no corn in there." Recently, there had been quite a bit. She likes singing and reading to herself and can keep both herself and us quite entertained. Can't usually understand all the words she's saying in these sort stream of conscience episodes, but they're funny and reflect the outgoing/ boisterous part of her personality. She and Alexander will often show their bellies when they've eaten a lot -- or just eaten period. They're good buds-- but she'll often alert us "Nander did it."